Cookie Policy

What you should know

This website stores cookies on your computer. These cookies are used to improve your browsing experience and to provide GYTPOL with analytics on visitors to this website and other media.

GYTPOL and our service providers may use cookies, pixel tags, and/or logs in order to:

  • Provide services and tailor our site/communications to your needs;
  • Optimize or otherwise improve the performance of our product/site and your experience with it; and
  • Enable more relevant advertising.

Cookies, pixel tags, and/or logs can be used to identify your IP address, browser type, domain name, and specific web pages you've clicked and/or email messages you've opened.


Some background

Cookies, pixel tags, and/or logs can be used to identify your IP address, browser type, domain name, and specific web pages you've clicked and/or email messages you've opened.

Cookies are small data files that are placed on users’ devices to monitor how users interact with websites and other online services.

Pixel tags, also called web beacons or single-pixel gifs, tag a graphic on a web page or in an email message that tracks pages viewed or email messages opened.

Logs are continuous digital records of events and interactions that occur on a website.

Bear in mind

Most web browsers allow you to erase cookies on your computer, block cookies from your computer, or notify you when a cookie is stored on your computer.

If you choose to disable or otherwise block certain cookies, you may be unable to use parts of the site or experience decreased functionality.